Srinagar: Cyber Police Station Kashmir zone has taken cognizance of production, possession and transmission of child pornography and sharing the same on various social media platforms in the Kashmir Valley.
In a statement issued her on Friday an official spokesperson said that cyber police station Kashmir Zone, Srinagar had received number of reports from National Center For Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) which is a US-based private non-profit organization, against the individuals residing in Kashmir valley who have published, transmitted, circulated child pornography on social media platform including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc.
“NCMEC receives tip-offs through citizens, service providers and uses software to track child pornography content. It is then shared with law enforcement agencies in the form of ‘Tipline Reports’,” the official said.
The official said that on receipt of the said reports, a case FIR No. 21/2020 under relevant sections of law was registered in Cyber Police Station Kashmir and investigation set into motion.
“During the course of investigation it came to fore that a good number of paedophiles from Kashmir Valley are involved in either transmission or uploading of child pornography contents on social media platform,” the official said.
He further said that arrests of these paedophiles are expected in coming days.
The official also advised the general public to restrain from such activities and warned that if anyone was found involved in such activities, he/she will be dealt strictly under law.
He said that it is pertinent to mention here that uploading/sharing of child pornography on social media platforms is prohibited/banned under various provisions of law.
The official also informed that Cyber Police Station, Kashmir Zone has produced a charge sheet in two case FIRs in district court Srinagar on 20th & 21st October against two accused persons.
He said that one accused person, who hails from Kulgam district of south Kashmir was booked for outraging the modesty of a woman through electronic mode.
He said that another charge sheet was produced against an accused person hailing from Srinagar city who had duped and cheated a lady from Srinagar of lakhs of rupees


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